maandag 27 april 2015


ik ben nog niet af
mijn zwakke kleuren
zijn nog onomlijnd
nog niet verfijnd
en vaak ook raakte
ik gebroken als
versnipperd licht
op barstend glas
wie schept iets moois
uit wat ik ben en was

Arie van Nieuwkerk

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I am not finished yet
    my weak colors
    are still without contours
    not yet refined
    and often I was also broken
    asunder the way
    light splinters
    on fractured glass
    who creates something beautiful
    out of what I am and was

    en ole vielä valmis
    heikot värini
    ovat vielä vailla ääriviivoja
    vielä jalostamatta
    ja usein myös menin
    rikki niin kuin
    valo hajoaa
    säröisessä lasissa
    kuka luo jotain kaunista
    siitä mitä olen ja olin

    The latter translation is in Finnish (if someone didn’t recognize). I don’t know if I understood the poem correctly (there’s a little language barrier here), but if I did, I like it. The essential in us is not glass but light (cf. Matt 6:23). We don’t go asunder like glass. We go asunder like light. But light never really goes asunder. Light splinters when it goes through or reflects from fractured glass but it’s not the light that is broken but the glass. Fractured glass is ugly, but light in splinters is more beautiful than light intact. The glass is the creation. The fractures are sin. “It behoved that there should be sin; but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” (Julian of Norwich) Everything is a way for God to create “iets moois uit wat ik ben en was”.

    I read from your Twitter page that the poem is inscribed on a church wall somewhere, which, by the way, is the reason I thought it should be interpreted as a religious poem. I googled up the author and was surprised to find out that he is still not only alive but also a somewhat young man. How on earth did he have his poem inscribed on a church wall? I would have thought you would have to be dead for at least a hundred years before anyone would even consider utilizing your poems in such a way. Well, it depends.


  2. Hi Risto,

    It's a great poem, isn't it? And I think your interpretation of it is quite apt.

    Best regards,
