zaterdag 20 december 2014

On fundamental physics

Fundamental physics is just experimental metaphysics. That is to say, up until now. For fundamental physics is slowly becoming non-empirical.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Bert,

    Sure, up until now fundamental physics has been empirically informed metaphysics. But it will become less and less empirical in the years to come. And if that happens theoretical physics will no longer be experimental metaphysics. It will just be metaphysics.


  2. Hi Bert,

    My point is merely that, as theoretical physics becomes more and more non-empirical, it becomes less and less distinct from metaphysics. We are thus facing a convergence of theoretical physics and metaphysics. I don't know what will be the implications for theoretical physics' applicability. Perhaps its applicability will be comparable to that of contemporary analytical metaphysics. We'll see.

