woensdag 8 oktober 2014

Paradigms of Rationality

As part of the upcoming VU master course Knowledge, Rationality, and Society I shall give four lectures on 'paradigms of rationality'. During these lectures we ask what it means to say that something is reasonable. The aim is to explicate what rationality is and under what conditions something may be considered rational. Different models for understanding the concept of rationality will be distinguished. Examples include formal evidentialism, social evidentialism, and presumptionism. We discuss what consequences these models have for central areas of human life: science, religion and everyday life. Our discussion includes an overview of the accounts of rationality developed by philosophers such as T. Kuhn, A. MacIntyre, D. Z. Phillips, and A. Plantinga, among others. Drop me an email if you are interested in joining (one or more of) these lectures.

Session 1 (25/11): The nature of rationality - Science and Formal Evidentialism
Session 2 (27/11): The Scientific and the Evidentialist Challenge to Religious Belief - The Practice Oriented View of Science
Session 3 (2/12): Social Evidentialism - Social Evidentialism and Religious Belief - Presumptionism
Session 4 (4/12): The Nature and Function of Religious Belief - Religious Rationality

- Mikael Stenmark, 'Rationality in Science, Religion and Everyday life' (Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1995)

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